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La nostra mission



When I decided to start this activity I promised myself that I would have never done anything that I didn't like, anything I was not convinced of, anything I didn't believe in.


I have been able to keep my promise since today, and I'm going to go on keeping it.

When I accept the engineering and production of a color chart, I do focus on the job with the same commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism that I use every day to improve my company.


What is any company's target?


Some could say it is revenue, the optimization of the results and profit.

I personally think this is just one of our company's targets, but not the ultimate target at all.
There is only one imperative for my team: satisfy the customer and reach perfection.

A concept of development and activity focused around the person: the customer's satisfaction is at the very core of Color Chart Bulgaria ltd, and the greatest satisfaction for the company is to win the customer's heart.

A customer's heart is the most real and precious market resource.

All of this needs to be done without letting aside the respect for the people who work and believe in Color Chart Bulgaria ltd.


Enzo Mesisca President of Color Chart Bulgaria ltd